Přijměte pozvání na vzdělávací seminář o systému kvality v preklinickém výzkumu

21. 9. 2022

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SPARK Europe Webinar Series | 12 October 2022 |4-5 pm (CET)

Dr. René Bernard “EQIPD- a Quality Management System with Industrial Standards for Preclinical Research”

Quality Management Systems have transformed industries over the past decades – with one exception: preclinical research.

EQIPD QS was developed by several industrial, academic and CRO partners within an IMI-funded project to ensure preclinical data quality, validity and traceability. It can be applied to all research in an industry setting and ideally, to academic labs seeking collaboration with industry partners. The registered association GoEQIPD e.V. acts as guarantor of the quality system ensuring its actuality, its independence and overall awareness of research quality.

In this SPARK Europe Webinar Series, Dr. René Bernard, coordinator for Value and Open Science at the NeuroCure Excellence Cluster Berlin, will explain the hallmarks and latest developments of the EQIPD QS. René has worked as a scientist with preclinical research for several years in academic and industrial settings, co-developed the EQIPD QS, and now acts as GoEQIPD board member.

Online via MS Teams ǀ Please register here!

The webinar will be hosted by SPARK-BIH.

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