Pharmaceutical Technology

Doktorské studium v prezenční nebo kombinované formě v anglickém jazyce.

Program je možné studovat pouze jednooborově.

Co se naučíte

The aim of studying in the PhD study programme Pharmaceutical Technology is to deepen the student's education focused on pharmaceutical technology from the perspective of scientific and research activities in dosage forms development and its overlap to other scientific areas. The main areas of interest are controlled release drug delivery systems (oral, parenteral, topical), technological approaches enhancing drug bioavailability, 3D printing, wound healing dosage forms, dynamic dissolution testing, statistical evaluation, etc.

The study aims to expand students' creative activity skills, publish results in scientific journals, write and defend a dissertation, and pass the state doctoral examination.

The main goal is to prepare the graduate for an independent scientific career and creative activities in the field of pharmaceutical technology.

Uplatnění absolventů

Graduates of the doctoral study programme Pharmaceutical Technology are most often employed as researchers in research, development, and test laboratories of the pharmaceutical industry, health care institutions, research organisations, academies of science, in management of health care bodies, and local or international pharmaceutical companies, or as university teachers with the possibility of further scientific and pedagogical qualification.

Informace o studiu

Zajišťuje Farmaceutická fakulta
Typ studia doktorský
Forma prezenční ano
kombinovaná ano
distanční ne
Možnosti studia jednooborově ano
jednooborově se specializací ne
v kombinaci s jiným programem ne
Doba studia 4 roky
Vyučovací jazyk angličtina
Oborová rada a oborové komise
Poplatky za studium
Studium v cizích jazycích je zpoplatněné, platba je za akademický rok
Více informací

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