PharmDr. Jakub Treml, Ph.D.

Vice-dean for External Relations, Strategy and Development, Faculty of Pharmacy

correspondence Address:
Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno

phone: +420 541 562 850, +420 773 774 205
social and academic networks:
Basic information

Academic and management positions

MU Faculty or unit Faculty of Pharmacy
Job classification Vice-dean for External Relations, Strategy and Development
MU Faculty or unit Department of Molecular PharmacyFaculty of Pharmacy
Job classification Department head

Membership in academic and other bodies at MU

Board for Studies Pharmacy (master's studies)
Pharmacy (master's studies)
Board for Sustainable Developement Masaryk University
Dean's Board Faculty of Pharmacy
Development Board Masaryk University
Editorial Board of the University Magazine Masaryk University
HR AWARD Steering Committee Faculty of Pharmacy
Pracovní skupina pro HR Award Faculty of Pharmacy
Scientific Board Faculty of Pharmacy
Senior Management Faculty of Pharmacy


MU Faculty or unit Department of Molecular PharmacyFaculty of Pharmacy
Job classification Assistant professor
Phone +420 541 562 850
Mobile phone +420 773 774 205

Personal information

Personal identification - University ID 175564
Internal information Portál MU IS MU

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