Presentation or Speech? Anytime, Anywhere! 11.-15.10.2021
Each of us is familiar with a public speech and/or presentation: whether it was a presentation at school, a job interview, a home celebration, a wedding speech or a meeting with a superior.
Public speaking and presentation have for a long time been in the forefront of all known phobias.
Do you feel the same?
So what to do about that? How to fight your fear of standing in front of an audience? How to attract and keep the audience's attention? How to properly prepare for a presentation/speech? How to know and control your body more intuitively and wisely?
Sign up for our course and find out the answers!
The main purpose of this training course is to provide you with handy tips and techniques, which can be used while delivering a speech or presentation. The training course will focus on different situations where you can present and each day you will have an opportunity to practice and improve yourselves. We will be focusing on body language, give a lot of feedback and we will go step-by-step. Participants will be actively involved in all the processes, interact and be constantly challenged in the learning process, working in a safe environment.
Who can participate in this course?
Designed for anyone interested in actively working on themselves, improving their speech or presentation!
Course content:
The program of the training course will be very interactive and requires your active participation (in case of online form it means cameras and microphones have to be switched on).
We will laugh, work, learn from each other, present, reflect but also relax.
The program will include topics and activities like: goal of presentation/speech, attention grabbing techniques, structure of presentation, working in different environments and with different target groups, working with silence, verbal, para-verbal and non-verbal level of the speech, breathing excercises, active listening, feedback and a lot of practice!
Detailed daily schedule will be published in the middle of August 2021.
Dates and schedule: 11.-15.10.2021, Brno, Czech republic (*for Covid-19 online form see below), 4-5 hours a day – 9:00 - 11:00; 12:30 - 14:30
The course will be organised only if at least 5 participants will apply!
Participation fee: special offer 300 €! (standart prize 450 €)
- includes training course program, all materials in and after the sessions, guidance and willingness to help and enjoy your stay in Brno, welcome package, online informational guide with everything you need to know ahead your arrival, organisational and lecturer fee
Grants such as Erasmus+ Staff mobility training or VET or other may be used to cover the fee. For different grant possibilities click here.
The fee is paid in 2 instalments
- deposit 150 €
Please pay the 1st instlament HERE latest on 20 th September 2021, in order to ensure your place in the group,
- and remaining 150 € maximum one week prior to the start of the training course
*Covid-19 online form (in case Covid measures will not allow us to meet in person) – 3 hours a day including 30 minutes break, 9 - 12:30. The fee in this case would be 150 €.
What is not included in the fee
- Travel costs
- Accommodation in Brno - we can provide you with tips
- Meals – there are plenty of possibilities to eat for very reasonable prices (e.g. lunch menu = soup + main dish, is just 4 - 5 € in most of the restaurants)
- Insurance – we recommend you to have also other insurance than just European health insurance card (EHIC)
- Test for Covid
- Vaccination
- Click here:
- Choose Incoming staff Apply >>
- Create new application with these information:
Program: Erasmus +;
Type of cooperation: Training mobility;
Academic year: 2021/2022;
Faculty at Masaryk University: Faculty of Pharmacy;
Unit at Masaryk University: Faculty of Pharmacy - In Step 1 fill in all compulsory fields (marked with a red asterisk)
Stay from/to:2021-10-11; 2021-10-15;
Form of mobility: Physical mobility;
Stay type: Staff training;
Number of teaching/training hours: 22
In section Stay data fill in your sending university/institution, if you does not have any (you come personally for yourself), just write there not applicable (the same to the home faculty) - Save your application and you are (almost) done!
!If you received Erasmus+ funding please proceed to Step 2, where you will attach the Mobility agreement!
(next steps are only for participants who had received Eramsus+ funding for Staff training and have mobility agreements) - In Step 2 please fill in and attach signed mobility agreement in format. The pre-filled mobility agreement for this course may be found HERE. If your institution needs to have it signed first from our side (Masaryk university), please attached signed agreement at least by you. We will contact you on email with fully signed agreement.
- Step 3 > Save and close

Mgr. Filip Kňažek, non-formal education trainer, facilitator, pharmacist
Filip has extensive experience from intensive foreign and domestic educational courses dedicated to self-development and working with people on various topics from communication (effective, affective, non-violent), coaching, mindfulness, presentation and leadership skills, to project management and marketing. In his courses, he helps others discover and get to know their strengths and weaknesses, develop their better selves by coming out of the comfort zone, getting to know and accepting their fears, breaking down patterns of behavior and habits. He provides participants with useful tips and tools that they can use in their everyday lives.

Brno is the second biggest city in the Czech Republic with nearly 400 000 inhabitants. It is the historical capital of region Moravia and is well-known for its castles Špilberk or Veveří, funcionalistic UNESCO villa Tugendhat, firework festival, beautiful natural surroundings of Moravian Karst and Brno´s dam, cathedral Petrov or for its vibrant, student spirit with many cosy designer coffehouses and pubs. For more information about the city visit

Masaryk University is with more than 30 000 students the second biggest university in the Czech Republic. Established in 1919 Masaryk University currently has 10 faculties (one of which is the Faculty of Pharmacy). Masaryk University offers courses across the full spectrum of traditional and contemporary fields, with a particular focus on science. It is ranked #531-540 in QS Global World Universities Rankings 2021. If you want to know more click here: