Advanced Master’s Procedure
Graduates of Master’s Program Pharmacy are entitled to sit for Advanced Master’s State Examination and Defence of Advanced Master’s Thesis at the Faculty of
After successful completion of Advanced Master’s State Examination and Defence of Advanced Master’s Thesis, the applicant is granted academic title „Doctor of
Pharmacy“ (PharmDr.).
I want to start working on my Advanced Master´s thesis
Choose a field, which you want to take an Advanced Master’s State Examination and defend your Advanced Master’s Thesis in.
Contact Branch Board Chairman, who will advice you on the next steps in your Advanced Master’s Thesis preparation.
If you need a supervision of your Advanced Master’s Thesis, use facilities devices or laboratory equipment of the Faculty of Pharmacy, or access to information technologies, pay a fee via MU Shopping center.
I request a field consultant - fee 500 EUR
Fee includes: consultations with academics from selected field and corrections of final thesis before its submission. List of consultants can be found in section "Fields of Advanced Masters´s Procedure", which you can apply for.
Fee for field consultant -
I request a field consultant and use of device and labotratory equipment – fee 1000 EUR
Fee includes: usage of devices and laboratories of the Faculty, supervision by academic staff
during experimental and theoretical part of the thesis, final corrections of the work before its
submission. Due to use of Faculty’s property, it is neccessary to agree with conditions of work in a laboratory during admission process. Further instructions for laboratory work will be provided by a consultant or a Branch Board Chairman.
Fee for field consultant and use of device and laboratory equipment -
I request access to information technologies
Including access to online databases and electronic resources from the computers placed in Masaryk University libraries.
4. After completion of the Advanced Master´s Thesis apply for the Advanced Master’s State Examination and thesis defence via application in IS MU. If you don´t have a log in credentials to IS MU and you´ve paid fee for the Advanced Master´s State Examination, you canrequestaccessdetailsvia email to:
5. Pay fee 1 900 EUR via MU shopping center. Fee includes cost related to organization of the Advanced Masters´s State Examination and Defence, diploma issuance and graduation ceremony.
6. Branch Board Chairman will contact you regarding the next steps of the procedure.
I have the Advanced Master’s Thesis ready and I want to apply for launching the Advanced Master’s Procedure (Thesis Defence and State Examination)
After completion of the Advanced Master´s Thesis apply for the Advanced Master’sState Examination and thesis defence via application in IS MU. If you don´t have a log in credentials to IS MU and you´ve paid fee for the Advanced Master´s State Examination, you canrequestaccessdetailsvia email to:
Pay fee 1 900 EUR via MU shopping center. Fee includes cost related to organization of the Advanced Masters´s State Examination and Defence, diploma issuance and graduation ceremony.
- Branch Board Chairman will contact you regarding the next steps of the procedure.
I repeat the Advanced Master’s Thesis Defence or all parts of the Advanced Master’s State Examination
- Pay a fee for reparatory term of the examination via MU Shopping center
- Branch Board Chairman will contact you regarding the next steps of the procedure
Field of Advanced Master´s Procedure
Social Pharmacy - Pharmacy Practise
Social pharmacy and pharmacy are scientific and applied areas of pharmacy, focused on the relationship between medicinal product and society. Rigorous work is thematically focused on the historical and present problematics of pharmaceutical and clinical-pharmaceutical care, economics, legislation and ethics of pharmaceutical activities, with emphasis on ensuring the quality, effectiveness, safety and economic effectiveness of pharmacotherapy and medical interventions.
Rigorous works have the character of original scientific works and should present outputs suitable for publication in the professional literature.
Branch Board Chairman
Lists of consultants
PharmDr. Tünde Ambrus, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Dominik Grega, Ph.D.
doc. RNDr. Jozef Kolář, CSc.
PharmDr. Bc. Dana Mazánková, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Lenka Smejkalová, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Karel Vašut, Ph.D.
PharmDr. MVDr. Vilma Vranová, Ph.D.
Pharmacognosy is the scientific discipline dealing with the drugs and substances of natural origin, used in human and veterinary medicine. It is concerned with the searching for and studying of the sources of their origin and possibilities to obtain them. It explains the interrelationships and conditionality of the formation of secondary metabolites, the mechanism of their action and the possibilities of practical utilization. Constituents are defined by the chemical structure, which is responsible for the biological activity as an objectively measurable fact.
Rigorous thesis in field of Pharmacognosy must have the character of an original scientific work and must contain knowledge suitable for publication in the professional journals. The nature of rigorous thesis is experimental. The experiments themselves are performed, with rare exceptions, at Department of Natural Drugs.
The experimental work is usually focused on the isolation, identification and testing of the biological activity of secondary metabolites of the higher plants, commonly from the group of phenols and terpenes.
Chromatographic methods are primarily used for isolation, spectral methods for identification. It can also include the preparation of derivatives and partial modifications of the natural substances for further research.
Branch Board Chairman
doc. PharmDr. Renata Kubínová, Ph.D.
phone: | +420 541 562 834 |
e‑mail: |
Lists of consultants
prof. PharmDr. Petr Babula, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Dagmar Jankovská, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Milan Malaník, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Lenka Molčanová, Ph.D.
prof. PharmDr. Karel Šmejkal, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Jakub Treml, Ph.D.
Mgr. Ing. Jiří Václavík, Ph.D.
Pharmaceutical Technology
Pharmaceutical Technology studies the main principles of formulation of dosage forms, their structural and physicochemical properties to optimize biopharmaceutical parameters of medicinal products with emphasis on the time and the target place of the drug release or for other purposes. Experimental rigorous thesis is mainly focused on the development of modern oral and peroral drug delivery systems for controlled drug release and its enhanced bioavailability in both human and veterinary medicine (matrix tablets, pellets, microparticles, capsules, reservoir systems, dispersible tablets, orodispersible films, liquisolid systems, etc.), the development of wound dressings based on various polymeric carriers or use of the pharmaceutical technology approaches for military purposes.
Branch Board Chairman
doc. PharmDr. Jan Gajdziok, Ph.D.
phone: | +420 541 562 869 |
e‑mail: |
List of consultants
PharmDr. Kateřina Brückner, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Jan Elbl, Ph.D.
doc. PharmDr. Aleš Franc, Ph.D.
doc. PharmDr. Jan Gajdziok, Ph.D.
doc. PharmDr. Kateřina Kubová, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. Jan Muselík, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Miroslava Pavelková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Sylvie Pavloková, Ph.D.
prof. PharmDr. Mgr. David Vetchý, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Jakub Vysloužil, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Jiří Zeman, Ph.D.
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Topics of rigorosum theses in the field of Pharmacology and toxicology are usually from areas of preclinical and clinical drug testing. We offer laboratories of Pharmaceutical faculty for testing of drugs toxicity, for assessment of drug interactions of newly isolated/synthetized molecules or for research in various in vivo experimental models. Another possibility is a research related to clinical use of drugs in the field of pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology, rational pharmacotherapy, etc. Defensed thesis should always contain original scientific data either in the form of experimental results or original literature review.
Please feel free to contact the chairmen of the Pharmacology and toxicology section, in case of any questions or for information on actual offer of topics for your rigorosum thesis.
Branch Board Chairman
doc. MVDr. Pavel Suchý, Ph.D.
Palackého třída 1946/1
612 00 Brno
e‑mail: |
List of consultants
PharmDr. Bc. Kateřina Horská, Ph.D.
MUDr. Marta Chalupová, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Tereza Kauerová, Ph.D.
doc. PharmDr. Peter Kollár, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Mgr. Alžběta Kružicová, Ph.D.
MUDr. Tomáš Parák, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Lenka Paráková, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Zuzana Široká, Ph.D.
Medicinal Chemistry
The main goal of rigorous study in pharmaceutical chemistry is to study biologically active molecules with a defined structure and properties that determine their therapeutic use in treating diseases or defined disorders of the functional state of an organism. From the point of view of society as a whole, our priority is to increase the qualifications, professional level, and social recognition of pharmaceutical studies graduates. Topics are focused on studying the relationship between chemical structure and biological activity, the study of physicochemical and analytical properties of drugs, biochemical and pharmacological properties of potential drugs or drugs used in therapeutic practice. At present, potential drugs with antimicrobial and antitumor effects, with effects on the cardiovascular system, potential drugs for neurodegenerative diseases, and more are studied. Within the study and research of these areas, modern synthetic procedures are implemented. The compounds are characterized, and their purity is determined (UV and IR spectra, 1H and 13C NMR analysis, etc.) using modern analytical and separation methods usable in drug analysis, experimental evaluation of physicochemical properties of substances, and more. Most of the rigorous thesis are experimental works.
Branch Board Chairman
prof. RNDr. Jozef Csöllei, CSc.
phone: | +420 541 562 920 |
e‑mail: |
List of consultants
doc. Ing. Pavel Bobáľ, CSc.
Mgr. Marie Brázdová, Ph.D.
doc. PharmDr. Oldřich Farsa, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Tomáš Goněc, Ph.D.
RNDr. Eva Havránková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Michaela Kuchynka, Ph.D.
Mgr. Aleš Kroutil, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Pavlína Marvanová, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Tereza Padrtová, Ph.D.
Ing. Klára Odehnalová, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Jan Otevřel, Ph.D.
doc. PharmDr. Ing. Radka Opatřilová, Ph.D., MBA
doc. RNDr. Bc. Jiří Pazourek, Ph.D.
Mgr. Hana Pížová, Ph.D.
Ing. Vít Šťáva, Ph.D.
Topics for the Advanced Master´s State Examination
Social Pharmacy - Pharmacy Practise
Pharmaceutical Technology
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Medicinal Chemistry
Attachments which are neccessary to upload to the e-application
Attachements which are neccessary to upload to the e-application
The submission of the electronic application is considered complete after uploading the attachments specified below to the IS MU. These are:
- name of the Advanced Master´s thesis,
- authorised conversion of study documents, except for studies completed at MU after 1 January 1998
- graduates from a foreign university located in a member state of the European Union shall submit an officially certified copy of the documents of higher education in pharmacy or a decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic on the recognition of professional qualifications and on the recognition of professional competence to practise the healthcare profession of pharmacist in the Czech Republic,
- graduates from a foreign university located outside the European Union shall attach a nostrification clause to all documents of higher education in the field of pharmacy to their application,
- advanced Master’s thesis in electronic form in PDF format,
- professional overview of the participant’s professional activities including published results and publications, or results accepted for publication,
- statutory declaration that the submitted Advanced Master’s thesis has not been used in other proceedings for the award of an academic degree,
- in the case that the participant needs for working out the Advanced Master’s thesis data obtained from a workplace outside of the Faculty, it is necessary to submit the agreement of this workplace to the processing of data as part of the Advanced Master’s thesis presented at the Faculty.
Ing. Erika Moudrá
phone: | +420 541 562 806, +420 725 849 434 |
e‑mail: |