study stays

Erasmus+ programme offers you the unique opportunity to spend up to 24 months abroad
during your studies.

Faculty of Pharmacy has agreements with 38 partner universities across Europe,
where you can go and experience how Pharmaceutical sciences are studied abroad.

Which one will you choose?

List of partner universities

The list our faculty's partner universities is available here.

Application and selection procedure

The selection procedure takes place on faculty level once a year, in February, for the following academic year. It is therefore necessary to plan the study stay well in advance.

The current application process for the academic year 2024/25 is open until 25 February 2024.

Students submit an online application in ISOIS by the given date, and they can select up to 3 universities abroad and rank them according to their preferences.

The application form includes two documents in English:

  • motivation letter - describing student's motivation to participate in the Erasmus+ programme, why they have chosen the university and what benefits they expect it will bring to their studies
  • short structured CV

Please note: not all our partner universities offer Pharmacy programmes in English, some offer courses only in the language of the country or the choice of courses in English is limited. You will therefore need to check the university's website for information on the courses before applying.

This applies in particular to universities in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Germany.

Participation conditions

  • The student must be enrolled in studies at the faculty at the time of the selection procedure and throughout the entire period of stay, and must not interrupt or terminate their studies.
  • Duration of stay: 2-12 months.
  • Obtaining a minimum of 20 ECTS credits at the host university.
  • Repeated Erasmus+ mobilities are possible, for maximum of 12 months per study cycle (Bc/NMgr/PhD), and up to 24 months during a long-cycle Master's programme.
  • If a student travels to their country of origin, they have the lowest priority in the selection procedure and are not eligible for financial support.
  • The application is binding; any cancellation may negatively affect the student's participation in future selection procedures.

Further information about the programme is available on the website of the Centre for International Cooperation (CZS).

Financial support

The grant serves for only partial coverage of costs, being only a contribution to the increased costs linked to a placement abroad – the financial contribution of the student is assumed.

The scholarship is calculated on the basis of the expected duration of the stay, where 1 month = 30 days, and is awarded only for the period of physical mobility; it is not awarded for online learning.

Grant differentiation for Erasmus+ study stays (from the academic year 2024/25):

  • 660 EUR/month - countries with higher cost of living:
    Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

  • 600 EUR/month - countries with medium cost of living:
    Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain

  • 540 EUR/month - countries with lower cost of living:
    Bulgaria, Croatia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey

+ Possibilities of increasing the financial support:

  • Green Erasmus: 50 EUR top-up for using environmentally friendly transport (bus, train, carpooling).
  • Increase for students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Financial support for students with specific needs to cover increased costs associated with e.g. wheelchair access, medical care, dietary measures (diabetes, celiac disease), etc.

Further details are available on the CZS website.

Selection and recognition of courses

The ideal option is to choose courses at the host university that are corresponding in content to those at our faculty so that they can be recognized as compulsory (A) or compulsory elective (B) courses in the form of course for course. In order for these courses to be recognized, it is necessary to secure the approval of the course guarantors in advance. In such case, please send a full syllabus of the course taught at the host university to the course guarantor at our faculty, and they will assess whether the courses are equivalent and therefore eligible for recognition. 

On the other hand, students are encouraged take advantage of the fact that our partner universities offer a wide range of diverse courses that they would otherwise not be able to study at home and thus broaden their horizons and enrich their knowledge beyond their studies at MU. Such courses will, of course, also be fully recognized in their studies, either as selective (C) or compulsory-selective (D) courses with their full credit value.

Studies at the host university are carried out on the basis of a document Learning Agreement (LA). This document is filled out online in ISOIS before the start of the mobility. The students fill in the LA with the courses they would like to study abroad and then send it to the coordinators at MU and the host university for approval. For courses with A and B type of recognition, the guarantor's approval for recognition must be uploaded directly into the LA (screenshot of the email from the guarantor is sufficient).

It is recommended to consult the course selection with the Erasmus+ departmental coordinator at our faculty, Ms Vendula Stará at the International Office (Study Office building).

Before mobility

After you have been selected for a study stay by the faculty, we will send your nomination to the CZS, where you will be assigned a coordinator who will inform you about further administrative steps that need to be taken before the start of the stay.

The most important thing before you go abroad is to come to the CZS in person to sign the Grant Agreement, on the basis of which you will be paid the Erasmus+ scholarship.
Without signing the agreement it is not possible to carry out the mobility! 

You will receive detailed information and instructions from CZS by email and they are also available on their website.

Before departure, you are also required to record your study stay in the IS:

IS - Student - During studies - Internships and stays.

By creating the record, you let the Study office know that you are going abroad and the IS will stop sending you notifications about course registration at MU in the given semester. You will then also use this record to request recognition of courses and credits into your studies, after the end of your mobility. 

During mobility

Additional changes to course enrolment may still take place upon arrival at the host university and therefore Changes to the Learning Agreement (LA) are possible during the first 5 weeks of the semester. It is recommended to wait until you know the final version of your schedule before implementing the changes in ISOIS and submitting them for approval.

Approved Changes to the LA then also need to be uploaded to the IS record so that they can be taken into account for course recognition after mobility.

If you are enjoying your stay at the host university, you can apply for an extension of stay, however, this is only possible within one academic year, i.e. from the autumn to the spring semester.

The host university must, of course, agree to the extension and sign the extension request, which must be uploaded to ISOIS no later than 30 days before the originally planned end of the stay.

Further information is available on the CZS website.

Return and course recognition

After the end of the study stay, you need to upload the final documents: Confirmation of Study Period and Transcript of Records to ISOIS and to the IS record and submit a request for recognition of courses.

According to MU Rector's Directive No.8/2011, it is necessary to apply for recognition of all courses taken at the host university, both compulsory and selective.

The application for recognition is made via the record in the IS, detailed instructions can be found here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the faculty's International Office at

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